Joanna NewellFeb 10, 2022Stock - tracked & untracked methods explainedIn a product business, as you start buying and holding stock, you need to consider how you will keep track of this and how to incorporate...
Joanna NewellNov 30, 2021Intrastat Reporting - What's changed since Brexit?Intrastat returns enable UK and EU authorities to track trade between countries for statistical purposes and they’re also used to check...
Joanna NewellJul 13, 2021Post Brexit Trading Notes for Online RetailersOnline Marketplaces First important point to note is the difference between selling to customers direct from your own website and selling...
Joanna NewellJun 2, 2020Like-for-Like SalesLike-for-like (LFL) sales comparisons were designed to make retailers' trading updates more transparent when looking at the movement in...
Joanna NewellJun 1, 2020COVID-19 - Impact on RetailAccording to a report produced by the British Retail Consortium*, 73% of non-food retailers reported that the COVID-19 pandemic had...